Going Beyond Your Name: Why a Corporate Brand Name Can Elevate Your Photography Business

by Nick Rosendale


Choosing the right name for your photography business is an important decision that can significantly impact your branding and client perception. While naming your business after your own name might seem like a natural choice, it’s not always the best option. In this blog, we’ll explore why relying solely on your name may have limitations and discuss how adopting a more corporate brand name can attract a higher level of clientele.

– Nick Rosendale, Founder | Events Through a Lens

Choosing the right name for your photography business is an important decision that can significantly impact your branding and client perception. While naming your business after your own name might seem like a natural choice, it’s not always the best option. In this blog, we’ll explore why relying solely on your name may have limitations and discuss how adopting a more corporate brand name can attract a higher level of clientele.

– Nick Rosendale, Founder | Events Through a Lens


Personal Limitations and Scalability

Naming your photography business after your own name can be limiting in terms of scalability and growth.

As your business expands, you may find it challenging to separate your personal identity from the brand. This can hinder your ability to hire employees, delegate tasks, or even sell the business in the future. A corporate brand name allows for more flexibility and the potential for expansion beyond yourself.

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